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  • Writer's pictureManique Abayasekara

Apple, Date & Raisin Chutney

Updated: Jun 8, 2020


4 Green apples

10 dates

2 tsp chilli powder

Salt to taste

2 big garlic 

A piece of ginger

A spoon of mustard paste

1/2 a cup of vinegar

1 tbsp sugar

A handful of raisins


Add the washed dates, de-seeded and sliced into a liquidiser, add the garlic and ginger, add chilli powder, mustard paste, half a cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon sugar and blend till it gets thick.

Wash and peel the apples and cut into pieces. Put the apples into a stainless steel pan and add the ingredients from the liquidiser and bring to a boil, off the fire and then add a handful of raisins. The Chutney will get nice and thick. Pour into sterilsed bottles whilst warm.

Refrigerate when cool.

apples, dates and raisins

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