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  • Writer's pictureManique Abayasekara

Chinese Rolls

Updated: Jun 1, 2021


for the pancake batter

2 cups Flour

2 Eggs

500 ml Milk

a little Butter/vegetable oil

pinch salt

1 tsp sugar


In a bowl, place the eggs, add the milk and flour and beat. Add the salt, melted butter or vegetable oil and the sugar and mix. Keep aside for a few minutes. Take the pancake pan, when well warmed put a spoonful of batter and with a movement of your wrist cover the pan with the batter. keep on medium heat, when cooked flip onto the other side.

TIP: you can season your pan for the first time with butter. Then the pancake does not break. sometimes the first pancake does not come out well. Keep the fry-pan separately for pancakes only, if it does stick fry an egg in it.

Ingredients for the filling

1 Tin of fish (or boiled fish of your choice)

250 gm Potatoes

2 onions

2 green chili

salt, pepper

juice of a lime or lemon

Batter for coating the Chinese rolls

you could use either a beaten egg or flour mixed with a little water to make a batter. Pepper and Salt.

bread crumbs

oil for deep frying


drain the tin fish and mash it, add the boiled potatoes and mash it. cut the onion and chili fine, add salt, pepper and lime juice to taste. You can temper this with a little oil if you like with a few curry leaves and add a little chili powder too for a spicy flavour.

Once you have a stack of pancakes, place a spoonful of fish mix on the pancake, fold the top and bottom over the filling and roll sausage shape to make the Chinese rolls. Make a batter with either a little water and flour, salt and pepper or beat an egg add salt and pepper and put into a dish, then put in the pancake roll and turn around so it is covered with the batter. Roll the batter wrapped pancake rolls in bread crumbs and deep fry them. Keep to drain. You can drain them in a Colander without using paper as it drains better.

NB:How to make the pancake into a roll. The pancake is a circular shape, fill the centre with the filling shaped into a sausage shape and bend opposite side two flaps over it, then roll it into a barrel shape.

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