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  • Writer's pictureManique Abayasekara

Kit Kat and M&M Cake

Butter cake


375 gm butter

375 gm sugar

375 gm self-raising flour

3 tsp baking powder

6 eggs

3 tsp milk

3 tsp vanilla


Set oven to 190°C. line a 9” round baking pan Sieve flour and baking powder three times and keep aside. Beat butter till white then add sugar and cream till smooth. Add an egg at a time, beat well and then add vanilla essence. Lower the speed on the mixer and then add in the sieved flour and baking powder. Add milk for dropping consistency and pour into spring foam cake pan and bake for 1 hour.

If cake tester comes out dry the cake is ready, if not leave for a few more minutes. Leave in tin for 5 minutes before un-moulding. Do not keep on the higher shelf in the oven as it will get burnt. If the top is getting burnt place a piece of aluminium foil on the top of the cake pan

Butter Cream Icing

Butter 170 g

Icing sugar 680 g

4 ½ tsp milk

1 ½ tsp vanilla


For the frosting, cream the butter in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Add the Icing sugar, milk, and vanilla extract. Mix on low speed for 1 to 2 minutes, until thickened

mark the cake with toothpicks so that the height is even when you cut it to sandwich it. measure from top. Once sliced in half rub butter cream icing, then paste the cakes together. Cover the top and sides with butter cream icing. Take the Kit Kats and place around the cake, then open the M&M's and pour into the centre of the cake.

This cake was 2 ½ inches tall and weighed 1.525 kg or 3.3 Ib.

For the Kit Kat and M&M cake used -

3 packets (187 g) of M&Ms and 11 packets (41.5 gm) of Kit Kat

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