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  • Writer's pictureManique Abayasekara

Stir fried Bell Peppers

This recipe was an inspiration after seeing Jerry Peck's post on FB "Srilankan Food Lovers"

Many thanks Jerry!!


Bell peppers of your choice

1 large onion

2 pips garlic

1 green chili

1 stalk of leeks

2 spring onions

2 tsp tomato and chili paste

1 tsp chili pieces

1/2 tsp chili powder

1 tsp Cayenne pepper powder

1/2 tsp black pepper powder

salt to taste

oil for shallow frying


Wash and drain the leeks, peppers, spring onions, green chili. Cut them into slices. Peel the garlic and crush.

Take a fry pan and heat the oil, then add in all the ingredients and stir fry.

Add in the dry ingredients (powders and pieces) and a little Chili Tomato paste.

et Voila your stir fry is ready! You can add Maldive fish pieces if you desire.

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